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North Idaho College Dual Enrollment
- Dual credit is available only to high school students currently living in Idaho.
- Application must be completed and signed by student.
- If you are a current dual credit student, you do not need to reapply. Only new students or those who have taken a semester off from NIC need to reapply. Contact our office if you have questions.
- Students must be at least 16 years of age and/or have completed one-half of their high school graduation requirements to participate in classes on an NIC campus (including internet classes). A GPA of 3.0 is recommended.
- The Fast Forward Program provides every student attending an Idaho public school an allocation of $4,125.00 to use towards Advanced Opportunities. Get more details on Advanced Opportunities
- In order to utilize Fast Forward funds, students must be enrolled in an Idaho Public High School
- Fast Forward funding does not cover lab fees, activity fees, book costs, or any class fees associated with a particular class
- Fast Forward funding does not pay tuition for any classes that are repeated, failed or withdrawn form
- You must complete the Admission Steps prior to registering for any NIC class
- Advising is key to navigating the Advanced Opportunities program. Students who use Fast Forward funds to earn more than 15 dual credits must receive advising from their high school counselor or the Dual Credit office
- Consent for Release of Student Information Form needs to be signed by the student in order to communicate any student information with a parent/guardian. Photo ID must be provided when submitting the form.